Districts Map
Wilkes County GIS

For an up-to-date GIS of the VAD & EVAD Districts in Wilkes, please visit the Wilkes County GIS and select the Farm Preservation Layer.
Your Region & Region Representative

Where are the VAD & EVAD Districts located?
Why are these mapped?
These Districts have been developed and mapped by the County to inform all purchasers of real property that certain agricultural and forestry activities, including but not limited to pesticide spraying, manure spreading, machinery and truck operation, livestock operations, sawing, and other common farming activities may occur in these Districts any time during the day or night.
What is a District?
A District is each farm that is enrolled in the VAD or EVAD program. If a District has acreage in two or more regions, the District is considered to be located in the region where the largest acreage is situated.
What is a region?
Wilkes County is divided into four (4) regions as defined below:
Region 1: Real property located north of N.C. Highway 268 and east of N.C. Highway 18 North.
Region 2: Real property located south of N.C. Highway 268 and east of N.C. Highway 16/18 South until it becomes Highway 16 South; then Highway 16 to the Wilkes County/Alexander County line.
Region 3: Real property located south of N.C. Highway 421 and west of N.C. Highway 16/18 South until it becomes Highway 16 South; then Highway 16 South to the Wilkes County/Alexander County line.
Region 4:Real property located north of N.C. Highway 421 and west of N.C. Highway 18 North.