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Wilkes' Ordinance
Farmland Protection Plan

Our Ordinance

Below is our Wilkes County Ordinance that was approved on March 15, 2022, by the Wilkes County Board of Commissioners. The ordinance contains all the specifics of both programs in coordination with landowners, the Wilkes Agricultural Advisor Board, and the County of Wilkes. If you have any questions regarding information in the ordinance please contact our office.

Wilkes Farmland Protection Plan

The Wilkes Farmland Protection Plan book provides the purpose behind our VAD and EVAD programs.


Wilkes has a rich agricultural heritage, and today it is still one of our main sources of income for the county. The research and statistical information provided in this book provide us not only the history through the present day, but a look into what our Wilkes agricultural future looks like.

Printed copies can be requested or provided by contacting our office.

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